
作为一个与背包者打交道超过十年的团队,我们有着丰富的经验策划为川西为主的旅游路线,我们不仅仅只是一个旅舍. 也许你早已经发现了,中国的客栈以及旅舍,在设计上都有太多相似的地方,而我们则希望根据我们的经验做出不同的风格让每一位客人都能感受到别样,在这个时候,我们发现了这个建于70年代的工厂,我们说服了政府把它转让给我们并且集合了许多现代的优秀设计师的智慧,花了7个多月的时间把它重新设计装修成了一个舒适的,不一样的旅舍,我们为之自豪,我们希望所有的客人都能如我们所希望的那样能感受到不一样并且在成都有一个美好的时光,我们为客人提供各种各样的服务,我们有时候还会在这里举行现代艺术展,让我们的客人能够感受到最特别的当地文化. 四号工厂青年旅舍是一个让所有背包客感觉到温暖的地方,我们竭尽全力的帮助每一位来成都旅行的中外背包客,让他们感受到最友好的中国,最友好的成都,四号工厂是每一位背包客的家,四号工厂欢迎每一位客人的到来. Welcome to Chengdu! Thanks for taking the time to find out a little more about us. THE LOFT HOSTEL is run by SMART TRAVEL SOLUTION who has been working with F.I.T(Foreign Individual Travellers) backpackers for over 10 years. We have a wealth of experience in planning trips based in the Southwest part of China. THE LOFT is not only a hostel As you have probably found out, the guest houses and hostels in China are all relatively similar in design. This time, we took it upon ourselves to do something a little different to enhance our guests experience, and increase their comfort during their stay. We found an antiquated building which was a printing factory in the 1970s, and persuaded the government not to knock the building down. After that we spent 7 months redesigning it into a suitable hostel. In order to give the hostel a unique look, and an opportunity for young, local artists to showcase thier work, we hold frequent art exhibitions in The Loft, and have some local art permanently on display. This both brightens up the hostel and gives our guests the chance to see local artwork. OUR MISSION is to assist backpackers in planning their visit to Chengdu through providing easy-to-understand, useful and quality Chengdu travel advice and assistance. Do not hesistate to contact us via phone or email. We will be happy to help with all your needs. Hope to see you soon, The Loft Team
