Baanboon Vegetarian, Chiang Mai
- Baanboon Vegetarian, Chiang Mai
- 电话:+(66)811798181
- 营业时间:暂无数据
- 人均:暂无数据
- 地址:126, Manee Nopparat Road | Si Phum, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
- 标签:
Baanboon Vegetarian, Chiang Mai介绍
Cuisines: Thai, Vegan, Vegetarian, International, Healthy
Description: Baanboon Vegetarian is a vegetarian/vegan restaurant near Chiang Mai city canal serving delicious and healthy food for all tastes. We have Thai herbal drinks and desserts. We have three branches, Changpeuk Gate, Hangdong (Baantawai Rd.) and Think Park (Rincome intersection). Open daily 10:00a.m.- 9:00p.m. (kitchen close at 8:00p.m.)
Description: Baanboon Vegetarian is a vegetarian/vegan restaurant near Chiang Mai city canal serving delicious and healthy food for all tastes. We have Thai herbal drinks and desserts. We have three branches, Changpeuk Gate, Hangdong (Baantawai Rd.) and Think Park (Rincome intersection). Open daily 10:00a.m.- 9:00p.m. (kitchen close at 8:00p.m.)